Sunday, October 3, 2010

Living in the City: trying to survive

Living in the City: trying to survive: "This is my first attempt to blogging. I am very nervous but yet think this may be good therapy for me to get out what my mind is thinking.I ..."

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

trying to survive

This is my first attempt to blogging. I am very nervous but yet think this may be good therapy for me to get out what my mind is thinking.I don't know if I am looking for advise or just to see if anyone is going through what I am going through. I thought starting a blob, might help me so here it goes.

Currently 44 years old, I was introduced to the year 2010 in a depressing way. My father has been battling cancer of the liver for a long time. In January, my mother and I brought my father to Burlington, have a procedure done which would shrink the tumor on his liver. Although the procedure was successful, there were problems going forward.  He was brought home to Connecticut to heal. Because of other issues my dad had, such as dementia, and prostate cancer, his healing process was prolonged.I will get back to my dad, but I wanted to discuss other things that have happened. In February, I was laid off from my job. In retrospect, i feel that the issues pertaining to my father led me to lose interest and efforts in to trying to keep my job. Anyway, I was very upset and saddened by this. the feeling of being a failure seemed to be only what I thought about. I did what I needed to after that as far as setting up unemployment. T
his was very difficult to do knowing that my dad was home trying to get better. As time went on, depression began to set in more and more. Because of me not having a job, and living in Boston, while my mother was trying to keep a close eye on my dad was very difficult to deal with. I was going home every weekend to spend time with my father. Little did I know that about a month after I lost my job, my wife had plans of her own.
Just another chapter living in the city.